السلام عليكم
hye u ols..entry arini berbau 'ketiadaan' mo0d..huh dak eina tid0 lewat taw smlm..kul5 bwu leh pejam mata..bkn sje2 tid0 lewat..de la sket hal yg xleh elak pastu ciapkan rep0rt bahagian LAMPIRAN..huih ponat den wo..xpenah2 lg dak eina tid0 selewat 2..paling tewok p0n xtid0..haha lg dasyat..2 xpe la time stdy kn?? hihi..tp kal0 mom dak eina taw bleh mati kne kejutan letrik la..mom dak eina pantang ank2 die nie td0 lewat..kalo bleh sblm kul12 mesti td0 ok sygs..huh tp xtd0 pon..masuk bilik jew..haha jahat.!
disebabkan tiada mo0d..entri kali neh hnye jwb tag bleh x?? tag ini dri blog miss oren..huh miss oren, xpe kn dak eina amek ni?? hihi
First thing you must do is to answer all question honestly and then follow the instruction after you finish answer all these questions .
1.Two names you go by?
2.Are you in a Relationship?
3.Have you ever been given a rose?
4.Have you ever licked a photo?
5.Have you ever been in love?
6.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
yup..sumer 2 sudah ditentukan..lmbt cepat jew..huh
7.What's your current problem?
8.Have you ever had your heart broken?
9.Do you have a crush?
10.How many kids do you want to have?
11.What is/are your favorite color/colors?
12.Have you ever found it hard to tell anyone you like them?
argh ade2..owg tnye, dak eina jwb 'xmnat langsung mamat tuh'..tp aty kate len..ngee
13.Imagine youre 40 & your spouse just died would you get re-married?
14.What song do you want played at your wedding?
15.Do you like/love anyone?
16.Do you think the person(s) you like/ loves love /likes you back?
17.Have you ever written a love song/ poem/ letter/ note?
18.Do you want to get married?
19.Are you a shy person?
20.Did you have a good day today?
21.Where did you just get back from?
xde g mne2 p0n..bru kuar dr dap0 leh x..huh arini mkn laksa penang taw..besh
22.What are you thinking about?
23.If you could change something about you or anything what would it be?
24.Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships?
25.Whose the closest person/people near you?
26.Whats the thing you love most about the person you love?
akhirnye siap jgk..huh
skian sje cel0teh tdk berm0ral dak eina..adi0s amigos!
lots of love,
0 orang mendoakan Dak Eina kurus =):
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