kite kawan

14 December 2010

~~cabaran selama sebulan. jom join!

Salam Buat Semua.

Sesi mencabar diri ye kali nie. Jom join jom. Tapi saya rasa nak mula buat nie Januari 2011 la. Huhu boleh tak?

Di bawah nie senarai task setiap hari sepanjang sebulan. Huh ada yang mencabar minda dan ada juga yang senang. Hoho. Tak sabar pulak nak start la.

•Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.
•Day 02 - The meaning behind your Blogger name.
•Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends.
•Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have.
•Day 05 - A pi c tu re of somewhere you’ve been to.
•Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why.
•Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.
•Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why.
•Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days.
•Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.
•Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends.
•Day 12 - How you found out about Blogger and why you made one.
•Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
•Day 14 - A picture of you and your family.
•Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play.
•Day 16 - Another picture of yourself (baby pic!)
•Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.
•Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have.
•Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them.
•Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future.
•Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy.
•Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else.
•Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot.
•Day 24 - A letter to your parents.
•Day 25 - What I would find in your bag.
•Day 26 - What you think about your friends.
•Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge.
•Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
•Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned.
•Day 30 - Who are you?

Hah.. Korang berani sahut cabaran nie tak?

ps; Tak lama dah nak masuk tahun 2011.

6 orang mendoakan Dak Eina kurus =):

Nur Hafizah bte Za'ba a.k.a SuperCSI Fiza said...

sy ade tengok jugak org buat mcm nie..
gudluck okey ! hahak !

Miss AZ said...

i tanak lah.. x berani.. hehe!! busy tak sempat lah :)

CIK TOM said...

good luck ye iena...kalo cik tom agak malas...hehe..

Zaer!! said...

Wahhhhhh!! banyak nye eina..............sebulan cukup la ni.hehehe

Ain Zulaikha said...

sure ke nak buat ni? huhuhu nanti kang tak terlayan .. huhu

Farah said...

Oh , macam best la . Tiba-tiba teringin nak buat !:D

design with love by Dak Eina